Wow! This year has been a whirlwind that I just can't keep up with! I wont recap all the details because you've likely already read or hear all about them (if not- read back through the blog). I will say though, that through all the ups and downs of sick kids, job changes, and sacrifice, we have learned to rely heavily on our Heavenly Father to bless us and help us through tough times. The power of prayer, our own and those of others, has been such a blessing to us to help comfort us when we were going through struggles. We have been so blessed to have family, friends and neighbors to lift us up when we needed it and help us do the things we couldn't. I think the biggest lesson I learned this year is that life doesn't slow down unless you tell it to! There have been a couple of occasions when I've had to just look at my dirty kitchen floor and walk away so I could take care of a sick child or get some rest myself. I have learned to just enjoy being at home with Adam and my sweet kids and relish every moment. I'm finding that we don't need to go and do a lot of things or have a lot in order to just enjoy being alive. We spent a lot of time this past summer sitting outside playing with the neighbors and it was so great to just relax a bit and shift my priorities for a little while. I learned to appreciate just watching my 3 little boys spending time together and making each other laugh (and cry). To be honest, looking back at our year and all of Griffin's surgeries, hospital stays and the crazy life we lived for a few months to try and get him back to good health, I'm a little overwhelmed. In the moment, we did fine. People would tell me how hard it must be and how scary it was to hear about Griff, but I managed to hold it all together pretty well and feel pretty calmed about it. I think I had blinders on and was only focused on the few things I needed to be seeing at the time. Now looking back, I realize how much that impacted our lives and how much we've grown and changed because of it. I remember asking Griff's surgeon if there was a chance he had cancer or some other immune system problem and I was fully prepared to handle it if he did. Now, to even think about that would have me in a puddle on the floor! The Lord watches over us and knows when we need to be comforted. I know that if we ask Him, He will help us overcome trials and grow from them. Long story short, I am so very grateful for a loving Heavenly Father who I know has my family's best interest in his heart and will always be there for me when I am willing to let Him. I am grateful for the power of service and inspiration that has led our friends, family and neighbors to be there for us when we wouldn't have known how to even ask for their help. Although we had a wild ride, I'm not sure I'd take this year back if I had the chance because we learned and grew so much! I hope you all have a wonderful new year filled with lots of love and gratitude!
Here are some highlights of our year:
1 comment:
It does seem like ya'll had one crazy year. Glad that everyone in your family is healthy again! Hope ya'll had a wonderful holiday...hope to see ya'll again soon:)
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