Sunday, December 5, 2010

Photo Catch up

As I mentioned in my last post... my "free time" has been filled with enjoying my family, so here's a shortened version of an update (in no real order because I still can't figure out the easy way to arrange my pics in the order I want)!!

Nothing fixes a cranky mood like a bath!!

We replaced our cement wall this summer- Deegan was in HEAVEN with the tractors and cement truck at our house!

Typical Naptime... (Notice those moon boots that are in EVERY picture!)
Hiking to the wind caves in Logan Canyon... never again with 2 babies that need to be carried! 
It was very rewarding getting to the top though-Definately a good hike if it weren't for the kiddos and heat.

Backyard Campout

Getting Grfiin fitted for his helmet to help re-shape his head. They made a cast of his head... it was kinda weird to watch!

Before Picture... After coming soon!

First food and first picture of the helmet (middle of October- 5 1/2  months)

"The case of the missing candy"
Deegan was Sherlock for Halloween (Trunk or Treat at the church)
I can't figure out how to move Griffin's Halloween pic to here, so it is at the bottom ;-)

Taking a break from the helmet! (this is his 2nd hair cut- 6 mo. old!)

Sitting!!! (and not feeling so hot, which is why he is eating the medicine bottle)

Deegan decided he wanted to learn to sew... so after a few "no, I don't think so's", I gave in and decided to help him.

4th of July


Our new pets... 2 babies broke through our less than secure gate and now it's snowed open, so they (and about 4-5 of their friends/family) have free range of our back yard for now! We've enjoyed watching them play in our backyard, but they eat my trees...
And poop everywhere!

Sitting and enjoying time out of the helmet! (he gets about an hour out of it each day)

Elementary my dear Watson!

For now, that's what we've been up to! Nothing crazy, but we sure enjoy the time we have to play together and go places together! If I get time to have Holiday Pics taken, I will post them, otherwise- Happy Holidays and may the spirit and love of Christ be a big part of your Christmas season!

1 comment:

Esplins said...

Oh they're getting so big! I can't believe it. Hope you have a happy holiday season!