Maybe it's because I'm going on like 2 hours of sleep, maybe it's because I am pregnant and have been grouchy for the last day or 2, but I am very angry right now! Here's the story...
I got those wonderful little coupons from Kmart for a $25 gift card if you transfer your Rx. Great, Deegan needed more of his blood pressure medicine anyway, so I figured, let's do it! They sent a set of 4 coupons for $25 each Rx, so I also transferred my Zofran last week. Well today when I went to pick up Deegan's rx, the pharmacist was acting really irritated. After a minute he asked a couple questions about my insurance and then said "do you want my opinion about this medicine?" I said sure, no harm right? WRONG! He goes off on this big schpeel about how I need to be careful about transferring Rx's because your pharmacist should know your medical history so they can get the dosage right, etc. Then of course he says "and this one especially, a BLOOD PRESSURE medicine for a toddler? In the 8 years of pharmacy experience I have, I have never even seen this medication (Propanolol or something like that), that should tell you something." I left absolutely humiliated and feeling like a HORRIBLE mom because of course he had to tell me all of this in from of a line of 3 other people. On my way home I was trying to convince myself that I am not a horrible mom and that I would never put my son's health in danger intentionally and especially not over $25. Then I had an "aha" moment. What they crap does this pharmacist think he is doing even thinking about giving me anything other than what the Dr. asked for!?!? I know my doctor, and I trust him to prescribe the correct dosage and the correct medication and if there were any dangers he would tell me. Believe me, I have asked him at every appointment if it is really okay for Deegan to keep taking this. WHO DOES THIS STUPID PHARMACIST think he IS??? ARG! Anyway, needless to say, I will be transferring my Rx BACK to Smiths where I don't have to feel like a horrible person, and where I certainly hope that the pharmacists don't think they can prescribe whatever they want regardless of what the Doctor asked for!
(PS When Deegan first started taking it, I filled at Smiths and noticed a big sign at the counter that said something along the lines of "We now carry Propanolol", so apparently it isn't an uncommon drug- JERK!)
Ahhhhh! Okay, I'm done now, I can breath and maybe even take a nap! :-)
12 Wow-Factor Wedding Cakes
2 hours ago
P.S. He also told me that since the medicine only costs me $6 and change, that was all he was going to put on the gift card too! I hope he doesn't mind the Store manager knowing about this because I am going to let them know that I wont be back.
Katie I would be furious!! Please contact the manager for me and let them know... in fact contact corporate office or something. That's so inappropriate and you really need to do something about it. He can't do that to customers. Ugh I hate rude employees.
If he has never heard of Propanolol before, then he's an idiot. I know what that is and I am in DENTISTRY! It's not even my job to dispense the stuff! Ya, I would get out of there.
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