Tuesday, December 15, 2009

And the verdict is...

Griffin Alexander Powell

Look at that cute little button nose!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Our First Snowman

Last year we didn't get to play in the snow much because I couldn't find a snow suit small enough for Deeg. This year I made sure to buy it early, so I have been way excited to take Deegan out and let him play in the snow. So, we had a very small snow storm this weekend, and we decided to take Deegan out to play yesterday afternoon when it had warmed up a bit.

Ready to go!
Helping build the snowman
Snow Angel
Throwing snow at dad

MMMM! Snow tastes good!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween Recap

Every year Adam's mom does a fun party for all of the grandkids for Halloween. It was a lot of fun, and a nice kick off to the week before Halloween. We had "Mummy" sausages and soup for dinner- MMM! We played games like pin the wart on the witch, Halloween bingo, spider toss, and a cupcake walk. Later in the week we had some friends (Haley and Zach) over to carve pumpkins. Deegan painted and had a blast! Halloween day was tons of fun too. We went trick or treating on Main St in Logan during the day with my parents, siblings and their kids. Unfortunately we didn't get a group pic with the Jorgensen kids because by the time we were all together, everyone was so in to T-O-T ing that there was no time for pics! After Main St.we went to the mall and had pizza and then T-O-Ted there as well. Everyone was exhausted and ready for naps so we went our separate ways. That night we dressed Deegan back up in his "Max, King of the Wild Things" costume and took him to a few friends' houses in the neighborhood. It was fun, but we were ready to just be home and relax. So we went home and popped some popcorn and watched the new Transformers. What a week, but it was so fun to see Deegan enjoying the T-O-Ting.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Maybe it's because I'm going on like 2 hours of sleep, maybe it's because I am pregnant and have been grouchy for the last day or 2, but I am very angry right now! Here's the story...
I got those wonderful little coupons from Kmart for a $25 gift card if you transfer your Rx. Great, Deegan needed more of his blood pressure medicine anyway, so I figured, let's do it! They sent a set of 4 coupons for $25 each Rx, so I also transferred my Zofran last week. Well today when I went to pick up Deegan's rx, the pharmacist was acting really irritated. After a minute he asked a couple questions about my insurance and then said "do you want my opinion about this medicine?" I said sure, no harm right? WRONG! He goes off on this big schpeel about how I need to be careful about transferring Rx's because your pharmacist should know your medical history so they can get the dosage right, etc. Then of course he says "and this one especially, a BLOOD PRESSURE medicine for a toddler? In the 8 years of pharmacy experience I have, I have never even seen this medication (Propanolol or something like that), that should tell you something." I left absolutely humiliated and feeling like a HORRIBLE mom because of course he had to tell me all of this in from of a line of 3 other people. On my way home I was trying to convince myself that I am not a horrible mom and that I would never put my son's health in danger intentionally and especially not over $25. Then I had an "aha" moment. What they crap does this pharmacist think he is doing even thinking about giving me anything other than what the Dr. asked for!?!? I know my doctor, and I trust him to prescribe the correct dosage and the correct medication and if there were any dangers he would tell me. Believe me, I have asked him at every appointment if it is really okay for Deegan to keep taking this. WHO DOES THIS STUPID PHARMACIST think he IS??? ARG! Anyway, needless to say, I will be transferring my Rx BACK to Smiths where I don't have to feel like a horrible person, and where I certainly hope that the pharmacists don't think they can prescribe whatever they want regardless of what the Doctor asked for!
(PS When Deegan first started taking it, I filled at Smiths and noticed a big sign at the counter that said something along the lines of "We now carry Propanolol", so apparently it isn't an uncommon drug- JERK!)
Ahhhhh! Okay, I'm done now, I can breath and maybe even take a nap! :-)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happenings at the Powell House

So, I take a million pictures "because I want to put this on the blog", but I never put it on the blog. I am really going to try and be better about it. Promise. I just can't promise success. :-) A few weeks ago, we were hanging out with my inlaws, and Deegan decided he needed to show everyone how you snore... it was really LOUD, and sounded a lot like a pig! :-) We were all laughing pretty hard, so I had to have a video of it. If you watch 'til the end you can also hear his monkey impression.

Keli came up to my house one day with the kids to help me make apple sauce. We went out to pick the rest of the apples, and got the ones we could reach but still had lots more up high. I was getting ready to get the step stool, and I thought, I guess we should just shake them down. I told Keli that we could just shake it and she kind of laughed with the "ha, yeah you are going to shake the tree hard enough to make the apples come down" kind of tone. Then she realized I was serious. She didn't realize that that is how apple orchards get theirs down so fast! :-) She had a lot of fun shaking the tree! :-) It was like a kid at Christmas time. (Sorry if I embarassed you Keli, but really- I thought it was funny!)
Deegan's favorite pastime is to play with shoes... I give you "Deegan... in Boots!" He wears any and all shoes, no particular favorites. I keep my shoes in plastic tubs, so he only gets the ones that got left out which are usually my church heels or flip flops, but Adam's shoes never get to stay organized because Deegan gets all of them out of the closet and just sits in a pile of shoes while he chooses which ones to put on next. Then he will pick out one for me or Adam to wear too and bring them to us. He has gotten really good at putting the "thong" part of my flip flops between his toes and walking in them. I keep Deegan's shoes on the bottom shelf in his closet, right at about his waist level, which also means that really he just has a pile of shoes on the floor too! :-) Every day, he pulls them out, and every night before bed he sings "neen ut, neen ut" ("Clean up, Clean up, every body every where...") as he puts them all back on the shelf.

One of the things I love about my house is the 3 big trees along my sidewalk, but when fall hits and the leaves turn that beautiful orange and yellow, they also have this bad habit of falling on my sidewalk and lawn.

After cleaning up this mess, Adam had picked up 15 bags of leaves! He said he just picked up some because he knew more were coming anyway, so he didn't even get the lawn clean! Now, 3 days later, I have a lawn full of leaves again and probably will get another 10 + bags before we are done! But we have fun playing in them anyway. Deegan kept putting them on my head. He didn't quite get the idea of just throwing them in the air!
Last but not least, I gave Deegan a hair cut the other day, so Adam took some cute pics. He is so good at getting his har cut! He just sits and plays in front of the bathroom mirror. Good thing because this is a very frequent thing at our house... and I already have to tie Adam down and cut his hair as quick as possible, so I don't think I could handle 2 boys that hate hair cuts!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Filling our Days with More!

I assume that all of you who are visiting my blog, are doing so because you read my last post on our "DeeganDays" blog, and know that we are now expecting #2. That being said, our days are no longer just "Deegan Days", so this is the beginning of the Powell Family Blog- for our growing family! Enjoy!