Since it's been 3 weeks, I guess I better write this story before I forget it! I'll fill it with pictures so you don't get bored with just reading (unless you prefer to just read and not see pictures, then sorry for the MASSIVE picture overload!). ;-)

After being told that my little Ritter was breech, I was kind of in panic mode and I tried all kinds of "turning" techniques to get him back where he needed to be so I didn't have to have a C-section. Then someone shared a story about someone they knew who's baby had to be turned and the cord wrapped around it's neck and it died, so I kind of freaked out and decided I'd rather let the dr. do the turning with the assistance of an ultrasound and just kind of accepted that I'd have the dr. turn him and then be induced right after. Monday and Tuesday Ritter was moving quite a bit and I thought he'd flipped, then a little later I could feel his bum and head back where they were before. It went back and forth for those 2 days, so I was sure he never even flipped and was just trying unsuccessfully. The boys went to Grandma and Grandpa Powell's on Tuesday night so that Adam and I could go to the dr. first thing Wednesday morning.

Our appointment was at 8:45, and the first thing Dr. Kirkman did was pull out the ultrasound. Surprisingly, Ritter had flipped and was head down and right where he should be. He still wanted to induce me since Ritter was "unstable" and could flip back at any moment. He went to call the hospital and make sure they could get me in, then came back and said "they're ready for you now"! His office basically shares a parking lot with the hospital, so we went right over and they were so friendly and quick getting us in! When the nurse handed me my hospital gown, I asked her if I could wear my own gown from home. She looked at me like I was nuts and couldn't figure out why on Earth I would do that! She just said, "well I guess, but it's going to get dirty!" Since I wore one last time, I knew that it really doesn't get dirty since it's pulled up under the bed covers, not down covering my legs! Every time the nurse came in she'd make a comment about how cool it is that I have a pretty gown. :-) How many people can say that their nurses were swooning over how cute they are while they were in labor? That's why I like the gown, for those of you skeptics out there! Anyway, enough of the cute gown, back to the cute baby...

I was in the hospital bed and hooked up to the Pitocin by about 10:30. After a couple hours they broke my water and I got my epidural (which hurt SO much more than any contraction I ever felt!). I have a love/hate relationship with epidurals! I only cry 2 times when I'm having a baby- Once (a lot) when I get my epidural, and then again (a tiny glistening tear) when I see that sweet baby!
My body never responds well to high dosages of Pitocin, so every time the nurse would crank it up, my oxygen levels dropped and she'd have to turn it back down and put me on oxygen (that happened with Deegan and Griff too). It was kind of annoying because I can't eat ice with a big oxygen mask in my face, but luckily it only lasted a few minutes at a time. After just 5 and a half hours of labor and a few quick pushes, Ritter Lincoln Powell was born at 4:04 PM, weighing 6 lbs., 2 oz. and measuring 19 inches long.
Since he was so small, they labeled him IUGR, as I expected. Luckily, all that meant for us was that they had to check his blood sugar levels more often and that he was extra sleepy.
Bath time
Jammies- getting ready to go to the nursery for the night so I could sleep!
The next day, Adam's parents brought the boys up to see us all. They were SO excited to see Ritter! Griffin was much more excited than Deegan, but both boys loved him.
Every time anyone held Ritter, Griffin would run over and try and steal him away. He got really mad at Grandma when she was holding him!
Friday, before we went home, my parents and sister came to visit. Keli couldn't stay long, but my parents were able to stay most of the day and help us get things wrapped up at the hospital and get settled in at home.
It was sure nice to have a few days to just relax and hold my sweet baby, but it was nice to get home and start our life as a family of 5! The boys stayed at Adam's parents until Saturday, so Adam and I had a few days to just focus on us and the baby and not have to stress about them. It was really nice, and I really appreciate my in-laws for helping us out!